Make a Payment


If you need to make a payment, you may do so using this page. It allows you to pay using a credit or debit card via PayPal. A PayPal account is not required.


Explanation of Fees and Payments

The cost of mediation is $200 for a two hour mediation session split equally between you and the other party. That equals $100 for each party. Please make sure that you read the mediation agreement before you pay the $100 mediation fee. If the mediation agreement and this website have not answered all your questions about the mediation process, please take some time to research your questions on the internet until you are satisfied. Try not to get confused with this simple process, because there really is nothing confusing about it. However, if you still have questions about the mediation process after reading through this website and doing your own research, we will gladly try to answer them on a limited basis strictly as they relate to the mediation process.

Fees for Mediation and Legal Services*:

1. Mediation Fees Due Before 2-Hour Mediation Date Scheduled:

$100 fee paid by each party.

2. Additional Mediation Fees for mediation exceeding two hours:

$100 per hour split equally; $50 per hour for each party

3. Additional Payment Amounts (mediation or legal services*)

*additional fees are pursuant to the mediation agreement or separate attorney fee agreement

  • $50
  • $100
  • $150
  • $200
  • $300